The BFD Nightcap

Enjoy a BFD curated video this evening. We search the internet for the best new media news and entertainment videos for our readers so that they don’t have to.

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Friday Fur

Enjoy a BFD curated video this evening. We search the internet for the best new media news and entertainment videos for our readers so that they don’t have to.

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The BFD Backchat

Please read our rules before you start commenting on the BFD to avoid a temporary or permanent ban.

On Backchat, you are free to share your own stories, discuss other news or catch up with friends. To participate you’ll need to sign up for a Disqus account which is free, quick, and easy.

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Daily Digest Signup

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The BFD Daily Roundup

Just a brief note to readers who like to add their own contributions to Daily Roundup in the comments. This post is for family-friendly humour ONLY thank you.

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Today in Rock History

Today in Rock History is a music orientated segment where we would like to encourage readers to share their thoughts and tastes in music and discuss the various aspects of any music topic.

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Cartoon of the Day by BoomSlang

You do NOT want to miss out on this cartoon!

Sign up today for a Bronze level membership to enjoy BoomSlang and SonovaMin’s cartoons.

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Following the Political Money

“Follow the money” is the classic directive to journalists trying to understand where power and influence lie in society. In terms of uncovering who influences various New Zealand political parties and governments, it therefore pays to look at who is funding them.

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What Statistics Tell Us

Birthrates across the Western world have been below replacement level for decades. 45% of today’s young women will probably not have children, and societies which fail to replace their populations disappear from the world stage in a few generations.

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The F Bomb

In a very important Finance meeting this month, Hamilton City Councillor Sarah Thomson was upset by the word FUDGE.

Yep, the dreaded F-Bomb.

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The BFD General Debate

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Good morning, welcome to our daily General Debate. On General debate, you are encouraged as a commenter to share your own stories, discuss other news, bring NEW news, catch up with friends or make new friends with other commenters. To participate you’ll need to sign up for a Disqus account which is free, quick, and…

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Face of the Day

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. experienced a series of health issues in recent years, including an abnormality that he said was caused by a worm that entered his brain and then died, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

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The BFD Nightcap

Enjoy a BFD curated video this evening. We search the internet for the best new media news and entertainment videos for our readers so that they don’t have to.

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Tiny Home Thursday

Enjoy a BFD curated video this evening. We search the internet for the best new media news and entertainment videos for our readers so that they don’t have to.

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The BFD Daily Roundup

Just a brief note to readers who like to add their own contributions to Daily Roundup in the comments. This post is for family-friendly humour ONLY thank you.

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The BFD Backchat

Please read our rules before you start commenting on the BFD to avoid a temporary or permanent ban.

On Backchat, you are free to share your own stories, discuss other news or catch up with friends. To participate you’ll need to sign up for a Disqus account which is free, quick, and easy.

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Today in Rock History

Today in Rock History is a music orientated segment where we would like to encourage readers to share their thoughts and tastes in music and discuss the various aspects of any music topic.

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